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Plastic Devil

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The Plastic Devil.  

We all know the old saying, “what you don’t know won’t hurt you.” Well, the reality is what you don’t know is the main thing that is destroying you and your financial future. 

The traps are in the fine print. Your credit card companies hold all of the power and can make changes that may not be within your best interest and guess what, you have no say.  I am not saying don’t use credit cards, but I am saying to be mindful to use the cards only when absolutely needed.  

When you use your credit card, do your best to pay off the entire balance monthly.  You don’t want to keep a revolving balance, as that is usually how bad circumstances tend to happen. As the saying goes, “Don’t sleep with the Devil,” if you can see how your credit card can easily change and become your enemy and downfall to your financial credit history.  You will think before you act in order to make sure you are always in control, to never allow it to be in control of you.  Master your credit card or it will be the Master of you.  

Do not let Your Masters Card enslave you.